LINE ID: 太古旅遊
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel

Lam Luk Ka Golf 藍路卡

Gold @ Lam Luk Ka
摘要: 融合錦標賽與渡假村的36洞球場
36 holes of championship and resort style golf

36 洞錦標賽和度假村風格的高爾夫球場

Lam Luk Ka 距離曼谷繁華的大都市只有很短的車程,為您帶來難忘的高爾夫體驗。兩條路線都蜿蜒穿過曼谷的濕地,濕地裡茂密的樹木和水道為豐富的鳥類和野生動物提供了家園。打完一輪後,放鬆休息,俯瞰 10 號球場,或者在俯瞰 18 號球場的會所餐廳享用各種泰式或國際美食



錦標賽東球場非常注重將球打得又遠又直。作為 2002 年泰國 PGA 錦標賽的舉辦地,Lam Luk Ka 的東球場將懲罰錯誤的高爾夫球,但如果在更友好的白色發球檯上打球,則可以享受一場愉快的比賽。後九洞被認為是泰國最好的球場之一,最終以 5 桿的巨大風險回報結束。Lam Luk Ka 的錦標賽東球場仍然是泰國最具挑戰性的佈局之一。


西球場相對較短,但有 15 個洞有水,因此球場管理成為得分的關鍵因素。每個洞都提供多種選擇,因此較長的擊球手仍然可以擊球,儘管在大多數洞中沒有必要。西球場是遊客和休閒高爾夫球手的最愛,也是眾多本土鳥類和野生動物的家園。

A short drive from Bangkok's thriving metropolis, Lam Luk Ka sets the stage for a golf experience not easily forgotten. Both courses meander through Bangkok's wetlands, where stretch of trees and water ways provide homes to abundant birds and wildlife. After your round, relax and take a rest overlooking the 10th, or enjoy a range of thai or international culinary delights in the clubhouse restaurant overlooking the 18th

Championship East Course

The Championship East Course places a premium on driving the ball long and straight. Host of the 2002 Thailand PGA Championship, Lam Luk Ka's East Course will punish errant golf shots, but make for an enjoyable round if played from the somewhat friendlier white tees. The back nine is considered one of the best in Thailand, ending with a dramatic risk-reward Par 5. Lam Luk Ka's Championship East Course remains one of Thailand's most challenging layouts.

Resort West Course

The West Course is relatively short, but water comes into play on 15 holes making course management a key factor in scoring. Every hole provides several options, so longer hitters can still hit driver although it's not necessary on most holes. The West Course is a favourite of tourists and recreational golfers, and is home to a plethora of native birds and wildlife.