LINE ID: 太古旅遊
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel

巴厘島國際高爾夫 Bali National Golf

摘要: 經常評為亞洲前 5 球場
Regularly voted as a Top 5 course in Asia
巴厘島國際高爾夫鄉村俱樂部   The Bali National Golf 

巴厘島國際高爾夫俱樂部位於著名的五星級酒店和鑽石級綜合體努沙杜瓦巴 島國家高爾夫俱樂部內,該俱樂部的 18 洞球場擁有三種不同的比賽環境。1 號至 9 號洞擁有小溪、峽谷和棲息著熱帶鳥類的原生植被,而 10 號至 16 號洞則為高爾夫球手提供了穿過成熟樹林的鬱鬱蔥蔥、精心雕刻的球道。最後,島嶼果嶺洞17和湖邊洞18是考驗每一位高爾夫球手的挑戰性終點洞。該球場榮獲《亞洲高爾夫獎》2014 年亞洲最佳翻新高爾夫球場獎、2016 年亞太地區最佳高爾夫度假村第五名、《美國高爾夫文摘》2017 年印度尼西亞最佳高爾夫度假村獎、《美國高爾夫文摘》2018年260 個國家最佳高爾夫球場獎,榮獲亞洲高爾夫獎 2018 年印度尼西亞最佳高爾夫球場、亞洲高爾夫獎 2018 年亞太區最佳高爾夫度假村第二名和 2019 年亞太區最佳高爾夫度假村亞軍。巴厘島國家高爾夫俱樂部 (Bali National) 是您在巴厘島享受難忘的豪華高爾夫體驗的必去之地。


巴厘島4天3夜高爾夫 輕鬆行程 
第一天: 第一天 - 抵達巴厘島機場並專車送到豪華度假酒店。
第 2 天 - 在譽為世界傷最美麗的高爾夫球場之一 New Kuta Golf 享受擊球之樂 風景優美且維護良好。
第 3 天 - 早餐後到八厘島最新的Bali National Golf 高爾夫俱樂部擊球, 坐落在石灰岩懸崖上, 邊打球邊俯瞰印度洋美景。
第 4天 -  早餐後享受酒店內設施 -市區觀光 午餐後前往機場回台北。
  • 所有住宿
  • 每日現點現做或自助早餐
  • 所有果嶺費
  • 每個高爾夫球場每個高爾夫球手配備一名球童
  • 所有機場、陸地和高爾夫球場接送服務
  • 私人 VIP 高頂旅行車或同等車輛接送
  • 當地知識、專業知識、建議和支持
  • 每日車上常飲用水
  • 整個行程中的當地知識、專業知識、建議和支持
  • 24/7 高爾夫熱線由知識淵博的服務人員提供
  • 所有稅費和服務費
  • 機票、機場稅、簽證費
  • 個人物品、飲料和小費

Bali National Golf Club is located in the Prestigiousfive-Star hotel  and diamond class complex of Nusa Dua

Bali National Golf Club which has three distinct playing environments throughout the 18-hole course.
Holes 1 through 9 feature creeks, canyons and native vegetation filled with tropical birds, whilst holes 10 through 16 offer the golfer lush gently sculptured fairways through a mature grove. Finally the island green hole 17 and lakeside hole 18 are the challenging finishing holes to test every golfer.

The course was awarded by Asian Golf Awards as Best Renovated Golf Course in Asia 2014 and 5th Best Golf Resort in Asia Pacific 2016, Best Golf Resort in Indonesia 2017 by Golf Digest USA, Best Golf Courses in 260 Countries in 2018 by Golf Digest USA, Best Golf Course in Indonesia 2018 by Asian Golf Awards, 2nd Best Golf Resort in Asia Pacific 2018 and First Runner-up Best Golf Resort in Asia Pacific 2019 by Asian Golf Awards.
Bali National is a must visit place for your unforgettable luxurious golfing experience in Bali.

Bali 4 days 3 nights easy package

Day 1: Day 1 - Arrive at Bali Airport and transfer to luxury resort hotel.
Day 2 - Enjoy a round of golf at Bali National Golf, acclaimed as one of the most beautiful golf courses in the world Beautifully landscaped.
Day 3 - After breakfast, go to Bali's newest golf club, New Kuta Golf, which sits on a limestone cliff and overlooks the Indian Ocean while playing.
Day 4 - After breakfast - self-indulgence at the hotel, city tour, after lunch transfer to the airport.
Quotation includes:
  • all accommodation
  • Daily cooked-to-order or buffet breakfast
  • All Green Fees
  • One caddy per golfer per golf course
  • All airport, land and golf course transfers
  • Private VIP coach or equivalent transfers
  • Local knowledge, expertise, advice and support
  • Daily drinking water in the car
  • Local knowledge, expertise, advice and support throughout the trip
  • 24/7 golf hotline with knowledgeable service staff
  • All taxes and service charges
Quotation excludest:
  • Air tickets, airport taxes, visa fees
  • Personal items, drinks and gratuities

從巴厘島國際機場出發,經 Bali Mandara 收費公路僅需 20 分鐘車程

高爾夫俱樂部經過重新設計,在整個 18 洞擁有三種不同的打球環境,為巴厘島遊客提供真正奢華的高爾夫體驗課程。

1 號至 9 號洞擁有小溪、峽谷和棲息著熱帶鳥類的原生植被,而 10 號至 16 號洞則為高爾夫球手提供了穿過成熟樹林的鬱鬱蔥蔥、精心雕刻的球道。最後,島嶼果嶺洞17和湖邊洞18是考驗每一位高爾夫球手的挑戰性終點洞。該球場榮獲《亞洲高爾夫獎》2014 年亞洲最佳翻新高爾夫球場獎、2016 年亞太地區最佳高爾夫度假村第五名、《美國高爾夫文摘》2017 年印度尼西亞最佳高爾夫度假村獎、《美國高爾夫文摘》2018年260 個國家最佳高爾夫球場獎,亞洲高爾夫獎 2018 年印度尼西亞最佳高爾夫球場、亞洲高爾夫獎 2018 年亞太區最佳高爾夫度假村第二名和 2019 年亞太區最佳高爾夫度假村亞軍。


With only a 20-minute drive through Bali Mandara toll road from Ngurah Rai Bali International Airport, Bali National Golf Club offers visitors to Bali a truly luxurious golfing experience with the redesigned Bali National Golf Club which has three distinct playing environments throughout the 18-hole course.

Holes 1 through 9 feature creeks, canyons and native vegetation filled with tropical birds, whilst holes 10 through 16 offer the golfer lush gently sculptured fairways through a mature grove. Finally the island green hole 17 and lakeside hole 18 are the challenging finishing holes to test every golfer. The course was awarded by Asian Golf Awards as Best Renovated Golf Course in Asia 2014 and 5th Best Golf Resort in Asia Pacific 2016, Best Golf Resort in Indonesia 2017 by Golf Digest USA, Best Golf Courses in 260 Countries in 2018 by Golf Digest USA, Best Golf Course in Indonesia 2018 by Asian Golf Awards, 2nd Best Golf Resort in Asia Pacific 2018 and First Runner-up Best Golf Resort in Asia Pacific 2019 by Asian Golf Awards.