LINE ID: 太古旅遊
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太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel

皇家華欣 Rayal Hua Hin

高爾夫愛好者的天堂 Golfer’s paradise
摘要: 泰國第一個國寶級標準高爾夫球場
The first standard golf course in Thailand, a national treasure

皇家華欣高爾夫球場 Royal Hua Hin Golf Course

皇家華欣高爾夫球場是泰國第一個標準高爾夫球場,堪稱國寶。 高爾夫球場內受保護的自然環境提供了野生動物和植物的景觀。 獨特的球道設計是球場的一大亮點。 這是一個 18 洞,標準桿 72 桿,男子 6,678 碼,女子 5,713 碼。
18 洞、72 桿、6,678 碼的高爾夫球場。 這座高爾夫球場的獨特之處在於沒有任何水障礙。 然而,高爾夫球場的年齡導致大樹成為比賽的主要障礙。 球道狀況可能與球員所熟悉的有所不同,球場佈局保留了原有的景觀。 在球場上打球就像在大自然中旅行。 球童的經驗和建議對於克服具有挑戰性的果嶺總是有用的。
前 9 個洞建於 1919 年,並於 1922 年拉瑪六世國王統治時期開放。 1924 年,國王為高爾夫球場揭幕。最後 9 洞於 1928 年拉瑪七世國王統治時期竣工。 該建築是在拉瑪六世國王的批准下由 Krom Phra Kamphaengphet Akarayothin 發起的。 該課程由 A.O. 設計。 羅賓,碧武里鐵路官員。皇家華欣高爾夫球場由蘇格蘭鐵路工程師設計,於 1924 年開業,是泰王國建造的第一個高爾夫球場。 球場歷史悠久,風景優美,後九洞可以看到泰國灣和華欣本身的令人印象深刻的景色


Thailand’s Golf History

Royal Hua Hin Golf Course is the first standard golf course in Thailand, a national treasure. The preserved nature within the golf course offers a sight of wildlife and plants. Unique fairway design is the impressive feture of the course. It is a 18 hole, Par 72, with 6,678 yards for the men and 5,713 yards for the ladies.

A 18 Hole, Par 72, 6,678 yard golf course. The unique feature of this golf course is the lack of any water hazard. However, the age of the golf course results in large trees that becomes the main obstacle of the game. The fairway condition may be different than what players are familiar and the course layout preserved the original landscape. Playing in the course is like travelling through the nature. Caddies experience and advice are always useful to overcome the challenging greens.

The first 9 holes were constructed in 1919 and opened in 1922 during the reign of King Rama VI. The King inaugurated the golf course in 1924.

The last 9 holes were completed in 1928 during the reign of King Rama VII. The building was initiated by Krom Phra Kamphaengphet Akarayothin under the royal approval of King Rama VI. The course was designed by A.O. Robin, the Phetchaburi Railway Officer.

Designed by a Scottish railway engineer and opened in 1924, Royal Hua Hin Golf Course was the first golf course to be constructed in The Kingdom of Thailand. The course is steeped in history and the scenery is outstanding -with particularly impressive views of the Gulf of Thailand and Hua Hin itself on the back nine.

While it is not as stylish as the newer golf courses, it's old-world charm will have you thinking about the Thai Royalty and British expatriates of yesteryear that played this very same course almost a century ago.

Royal Hua Hin Golf Course

Royal Hua Hin Golf Club originally was a 9 hole course built by King Rama 6 in 1924 and 4 years later King Rama 7 decided he wanted to create a Home of Golf in Thailand and ordered a further 9 holes to be constructed with an input from Mr. A.O.Robin ( Senior Engineer with Thai railways) in conjunction with an Italian architect (close friend of the King) Her Majesty Queen Rambhai Barni attended the Grand Opening in 1969 of the Royal “Pavillion” (changing room” ) which was initially named “ Sala Phachadhipok” ( the name of King Rama 7) So then began this incredible journey in the heart of Hua Hin developing a beautiful Parkland style course with many challenging holes which has been the home to many Thai Golf Professionals. In 1985 the Management was handed to Bonrod Co.Ltd who continue to run all operations to the present day.

Hole 4 Par 3, 155 yards plays down toward the green with mountains and forest as the background. Bunkers are in the front with a pan shaped fairway to collect golf balls that does not travel far enough.

Hole 12 Par 4, 305 yards, left dog leg is the place for long distance golfers to test their distance and accuracy. An eagle opportunity is offered for players who hit their tee shot to the green.

Closing in with Hole 18, Par 4, 440 yards, left dog leg requires a long tee shot to shorten your approach distance into the beautiful scene.