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太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel

Golf In Vietnam

越南高爾夫球場  Vietnam Golf Courses
2008年對於越南高爾夫來說是關鍵的一年,這在很大程度上要歸功於其不斷發展的高爾夫產業。據報導,越來越多的越南高端高爾夫球場以及胡志明高爾夫球道(該國七個頂級球場之間的合作)的形成,為該國贏得了 100 多家國際出版物的歡迎,並推動了越南的發展致越南高爾夫協會秘書長阮玉珠博士進入重要時刻。然而,本月早些時候,國際高爾夫旅遊運營商協會 (IAGTO) 將該國命名為 2007 年度未被發現的高爾夫目的地,這為高爾夫錦上添花。目前,全國約有16個高爾夫球場正在運營,有30多個項目處於建設階段。
今年越南高爾夫運動的受歡迎程度大幅上升,越南在《紐約時報》2008 年 53 個最熱門旅遊目的地中排名第 48 位,這在很大程度上得益於國際遊客對高爾夫的熱愛。該報特別挑選的球場包括大叻皇宮高爾夫球場俱樂部、海洋沙丘高爾夫俱樂部和越南蒙哥馬利林克斯球場。該國的熱帶氣候、綿長的海岸線和合理的生活成本都促進了前往越南的國際遊客數量的增長,從 1990 年的 25 萬增加到 2007 年的約 4 至 450 萬。接下來在亞洲時到越南打高爾夫。

Recently, Vietnam was named as the “Undiscovered Golf Destination of the Year” by the International Association of Golf Travel Operators (IAGTO). With its fascinating history, ancient culture, superb climate, and now it’s offering fantastic championship golf courses designed for the golfer on and off the course. Vietnam is the ‘next Thailand’ when it comes to golf tours in the Far East. If you prefer to ask our golf experts about Vietnam, please send an email to VIETNAM GOLF EXPERTS who will reply within 24 hours. Recommended Vietnam golf resources:
2008 was a pivotal year for Vietnam golf, thanks in no small part to its growing golfing industry. An increasing number of high-end Vietnam golf courses, as well as the formation of the Ho Chi Minh Golf Trail (a collaboration between seven of the country’s top courses) have earned the country welcome exposure in over 100 international publications and catapulted Vietnam, according to Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Chu, General Secretary of the Vietnam Golf Association, into  the big time. The icing on the golfing cake, however, was the naming of the country by the International Association of Golf Travel Operators (IAGTO) as its 2007 Undiscovered Golf Destination of the Year earlier this month. At present, there are about 16 golf courses operating in the country, with more than 30 projects at some stage of construction.
Golf in Vietnam has experienced a surge in popularity this year, and international travellers love affair with golf is largely responsible for Vietnam’s 48th place ranking among the New York Times 53 hottest destinations for 2008. Courses especially singled out by the paper include the Dalat Palace Golf Club, Ocean Dunes Golf Club and the Montgomerie Links Vietnam. The country’s tropical climate, thousand-mile coastline and reasonable cost of living have all encouraged a growth in the number of international arrivals to Vietnam, up from 250,000 in 1990, to around 4 to 4.5 million in 2007. Play golf in Vietnam when you are golfing in Asia next.
2008年對越南高爾夫來說是關鍵的一年,這在很大程度上要歸功於其不斷發展的高爾夫產業。 據報道,越來越多的越南高端高爾夫球場以及胡志明高爾夫球道(該國七個頂級球場之間的合作)的形成,為該國贏得了100 多家國際出版物的歡迎,並推動了越南的發展致越南高爾夫協會秘書長阮玉珠博士進入重要時刻。 然而,本月早些時候,國際高爾夫旅遊業者協會 (IAGTO) 將該國命名為 2007 年度未被發現的高爾夫目的地,這為高爾夫錦上添花。 目前,全國約有16個高爾夫球場正在運營,有30多個項目處於建設階段。
今年越南高爾夫運動的受歡迎程度大幅上升,越南在《紐約時報》2008 年53 個最熱門旅遊目的地中排名第48 位,這在很大程度上得益於國際遊客對高爾夫的熱愛。該報特別挑選的球場包括大叻皇宮高爾夫球場俱樂部、海洋沙丘高爾夫俱樂部和越南蒙哥馬利林克斯球場。 該國的熱帶氣候、綿長的海岸線和合理的生活成本都促進了前往越南的國際遊客數量的增長,從 1990 年的 25 萬增加到 2007 年的約 4 至 450 萬。接下來在亞洲打高爾夫球。