LINE ID: 太古旅遊
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太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel
太古旅行社 Travelink International Travel

Navatanee Golf Club 納瓦塔尼

Golf @ Navatanee
摘要: 曼谷最早建立的球場之一
One of the oldest golf courses in Bangkok
納瓦塔尼高爾夫俱樂部是曼谷最古老的高爾夫球場之一。 然而,納瓦塔尼高爾夫球場周圍環繞著成熟的樹木,大多數球道上都佈滿了九重葛,這反過來又在某種程度上為球場帶來了更好的整體氛圍。 儘管如此,儘管該球場已有多年歷史,但仍然是曼谷頂級高爾夫球場之一。 此外,納瓦塔尼高爾夫俱樂部由小羅伯特·特倫特·瓊斯 (Robert Trent Jones Jr.) 設計,建於 1973 年,專門用於舉辦 1975 年第 23 屆高爾夫世界盃。該俱樂部曾主辦過各種賽事,如 1999 年泰國公開賽和 1975 年高爾夫世界盃。可以肯定地說,這個高爾夫球場因在其歷史上對高爾夫運動的巨大貢獻而聞名。 對於那些希望在享受高爾夫比賽的同時了解一段歷史的高爾夫球手來說,這個球場絕對是必去之地。

Navatanee golf club is one of the oldest golf courses in Bangkok. However, Navatanee golf course is surrounded by mature trees and Bougainvillea lining most fairways which in return, gives a better overall vibe to the course in a way. Nevertheless, the course is still one of the top golf courses in Bangkok despite its age. Also, Navatanee Golf Club was designed by Robert Trent Jones Jr. and was built in 1973 specifically to host the 23rd World Cup of Golf in 1975.

The club has hosted various tournaments such as the 1999 Thailand Open and also the World Cup of Golf in 1975. It is safe to say that this golf course has made a name for itself by contributing so much to the sport of golf throughout its history. This course is definitely a must for golfers who are looking to get a piece of history while enjoying a game of golf. 







Blue 72 6902 yards 72.5 123
White 72 6315 yards 69.4 119
Gold 72 5805 yards 66.9 114
Red 72 5333 yards 70.9 116